HealthQuest CBD

Superior CBD hemp oil for health and well-being

For People and Pets

From certified non-psychoactive hemp (less than 0.3% THC), grown in America, third-party tested to assure quality and purity.
CBD oil for dogs
Learn how our CBD oil can make life better for your pet.
Used by customers for years throughout the USA. Discover how CBD rich hemp oil from HQcbd can improve your life.

“CBD hemp oil can be life-changing!”

Since 2016 our farm has grown CBD-rich “industrial hemp”, the select strains of non-psychoactive hemp, certified by the Agricultural Department to contain less than 0.3% THC. Each year we select the hemp plants with the highest amounts of cannabidiol (CBD) and other desirable cannabinoids. The salutary effects and health benefits of hemp plants have been recognized in various places throughout the world for centuries, and the specific active compounds such as CBD, CBD-A, CBG and others began to be identified by mid-twentieth century. These amazing compounds are being rediscovered and have been recognized by laws such as the Farm Bill of 2014 and the Farm Bill of 2018 which clarified the Federal legality of CBD and all industrial hemp products.

We process our harvested hemp right on the farm to extract the CBD rich oil that contains the most desirable cannabinoids, terpenes and synergistic flavanoids. Every product from HQcbd contains this complex of CBD and other compounds without the psychoactive THC effects found in marijuana.

Our customers have provided us with amazing stories of how our CBD rich hemp oil has helped them. Individuals have reported a calming effect that helps improve their sleep patterns, improved comfort while dealing with chronic illness, reduced inflammation and even relief from the sting caused by stinging nettles. The FDA has recognized the compound CBD as a treatment for certain types of seizures and also has approved CBD hemp oil as a topical treatment. Veterinarians have been delighted with the improvement in elderly pets’ strength and energy when administered daily doses of our CBD oil. Anecdotally they have associated administration of CBD oil from our farm with reduction of tumor size in dogs suffering from inoperable tumors. More research is needed and we strive to provide the purest and highest quality CBD oil for customers who want to explore how this natural product can improve their lives.

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